The importance of website design

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اميره حامد
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Joined: 17.7.2022, 15:06

The importance of website design

Post by اميره حامد »

What is the difference between website design and development?


Before we begin to understand web design in detail, we need to have a clear understanding of the difference between design and development.

Website design stands for what you see on your screen whenever you visit a website or web page. It includes everything from visual designs, images, and typography to layout and sometimes written content. Design is what gives your website a unique look and feel. It's all about the experience that users have when they visit the site rather than the software development part itself.

On the other hand, website development is the process of coding a website to create the intended design; Using computer languages ​​like JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, etc., it is a long series of actions that take place before launching a website to make it look what it is. Of course, web developers are also working on site maintenance and improvement, but that's a whole other discussion.

So the easiest way to understand it is to take an example of a building. The building you see is similar to the aesthetic of a website design, while the building blocks like bricks, cement, and other things needed to put it together are similar to website development.

What does website design include?
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Web design has many components:

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User Characters
graphic design
User Experience Design
interface design
Create content
All of these systems need to work together to create an interactive website. And while they are extremely important, they are also unspoken and unexplained in the web world.

Now it may seem like a bit too much, so let me give you a brief description.

1. User characters

The first thing you need to do before anything else is define the user personas. We make the site for other people to visit. But who are these people? The answer to this question lies in the user personality that you develop. It comes down to who your target audience is looking for.

As if you have a product that caters to the elderly, your design should fit their aesthetics. But if you sell maternity and baby products, the look and feel of the website will be completely different. So defining your target audience and what will attract them is what user personas are all about. This is one of the most important factors for all websites.

2. Objective

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When you do something, there has to be a goal, right?? There must be a goal you want to achieve. The same goes for your site. When you start designing your site, it should be done in such a way as to achieve the stated objective. For example, PulsAero's goal is to get its visitors to book a 30-minute call. This type of goal is what drives your business even further. That's why on many e-commerce sites, you'll see buy now buttons or maybe call now, book now or even get a free trial. These types of calls are called calls to action. This means that you are asking people to take action.

Now if you're an educational site, your goal could be quite different, like giving people some ideas and asking them to read more. Or if you're running an NGO, and the purpose of your site is to give yourself some legitimacy and solicit donations, you'll need to show people the work you've done so far and ask them to be a part of it with a donation.

For example, the aesthetics of,, and are completely different. This is because the purpose of their websites is different.

3. Graphic design

A site without any pictures or images becomes boring when you look at it, right? We as humans are trained to look for images. We are attested to believe that if there is optical evidence, then it is true.

For example, if you are looking for a school for your child and you find two very reputable websites. But one school only says it has cultural activities, while the other shows a gallery of photos of these events; Then which one is more likely to believe? photo ring. But not all things can be captured by the camera.
Sometimes we need to create or maybe even manipulate illustrations and photos that can be used on the site or even on your social media platforms to grab the attention of customers. This skill of being able to create your designs and illustrations is called graphic design.

4. User Experience design

UX relates to the entire experience a user has while interacting with your product from start to finish. So by this definition itself, UX design can be simply described as the process of determining how this interaction will go. It is about aesthetics and functionality like usability along with the emotions that are aroused by the product in the users. It is about understanding the user journey and using empathy to make this interaction satisfactory and fulfilling for each and every visitor.

And this is the reason why UX design is highly based on user personas. You have to get in-depth knowledge of what your target audience is looking for, what information they need access to before they can commit to the objective of the website. For example, if you own a site that sells furniture and someone visits your site to buy a table.

So the UX design here will include how the person can find his target i.e. table and also what information is available about the table and how it will convince the visitor to convert into a loyal customer and buy from you.

5. Interface design

UI is the space where the interaction happens between humans and machines or software. UI design in its essence means the process of designing how you are going to facilitate this interaction. The goal here is to make it easy, efficient, and enjoyable for the users to interact with your product. It consists of three major components: wireframes, mock-ups, and prototypes.

Wireframes are the basic schematic design about how your website will look. It is about deciding the layout and what will go where along with all the essential components including some content. It is like the blueprint of a building. Mock-ups on the other hand are a step above and show the visual depiction of how the website will appear. This helps you in deciding on the color schemes, typography, and visual designs. This however is not clickable. And this is why you need a prototype. The prototype is an actual clickable interactive demo of the end product. This helps you in assessing UI as well as UX.

Here you can see if everything is working or not and if you need to make any changes or not. This is done by the team or by selected loyal customers or can be done by website testers.

6. Content creation

Interactive content is what gives the site its meaning. It is the soul of your brand. If you have done everything, but your content doesn't speak to the customers the chances of failure of the site increases tremendously. But if you are providing valuable information to your customers then they are much more likely to keep coming back to your brand in the future.

For example, when you search for web designing a lot of articles will pop up from web hosting sites like website design or website development. Giving out such content means you are more likely to remember them. And this means that you are more likely to choose them when you are looking for a service they provide.

What is the importance of a good website design?

First impressions matter, right? Well if you don't have a good internet presence then you are holding your brand back. For example, if a potential customer goes to search your brand on the internet and it doesn't show up, then there are chances the person will either doubt you are a closed business or are not legitimate.

But you know what's even worse? Having a website with bad design and navigation. People like comfort in every aspect of life. And this includes browsing through a site. If a customer comes to your site and has to spend a lot of time trying to understand everything and searching for the product/service that they are looking for, they will not be impressed at all.

There is a very high probability that they will just leave your site without ordering anything and either drop the shopping or just go to your rivals. And if this happens then the last image that they have of your brand will be that your site is no good and you don't care for your clients. And this can affect the small and medium-size businesses the most.

Let's say you are someone who wants to sell art. You set up an online shop using a website. But your website design is not proper.
For example, the images are not clear, they are not placed correctly, the background is horrendous, the fonts are not aesthetically pleasing, there is no information about the products, the navigation is difficult, etc. With such difficulties, do you think that a person who visits your site will be interested in buying from you? The answer is no. You cannot get away with such problems unless and until you are at Yale School of Art. Yes, the Yale. Their website is a mess and has all the above-mentioned problems because they are operated by the students and the faculty. So it is not consistent in the bad design as well.

Now you have heard about a Nigerian site called It is a marketplace of sorts that sells several gadgets, vehicles and stuff. This site is a nightmare from the design point of view. It does not use the grid system, it has poor visual appeal, no information readily available, the typography is such that it makes it unreadable and the navigation structure is very confusing. This makes a newcomer less likely to become a loyal customer.

But in comparison to this if you look at, a similar marketplace; it has a great design. The flow of the website is good, the layout and visual design make the visitor feel the need to stay on and the navigation system is extremely user friendly. So the difference between both these sites is the use of proper website designing.

Another example of a similar site is Craigslist. It is such a well-known site and has been a popular choice for searching for everything from jobs to housing for the past 26 years. And despite this, the site design remains the same. There have been no changes. There is no visual appeal to the site as there are absolutely no images used. The navigation through the site also takes time as it is quite outdated. This has reduced its value over time.

Also, there is a lot of competition this site is facing as sites are coming up daily that address everything offered by Craigslist. And this is the reason why it is losing its popularity and authenticity. In the initial years, it was the go-to site to search for everything but currently, it's becoming the last choice. And if this can happen to such a big brand, it can happen to anyone.

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