Zmluva o predaji pozemku

Nehnuteľnosti, právo, zmluvy (píšte otázky bez registrácie)
Beata Torokova

Zmluva o predaji pozemku

Post by Beata Torokova »

Pekný deň prajem,
potrebovala by som od vás kópiu zmluvy Rozhodnutie štátneho notárstva Bratislava - vidiek v Bratislave zo dňa 28.8.1987, D 1033/87. Už ste mi ju vystavovali 11.7.2017, mám dojem že mi ešte chýba zápis z geodézie - stav podľa pozemkovej knihy...dalo by sa prísť k vám na Kataster a opätovne dohľadať uvedenú zmluvu? dovidenia
Posts: 881
Joined: 8.5.2011, 15:01

Re: Zmluva o predaji pozemku

Post by lukas »

Toto je len informativny web o katastri. S Vasou ziadostou sa musite obratit na prislusny katastralny odbor.
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Joined: 26.7.2022, 17:07

Re: Zmluva o predaji pozemku

Post by adamschule85 »

The buyer is seen as having "equitable title" to the property as long as they are paying the seller. The buyer has an interest in the land contract property as the equitable title holder, and the seller is prohibited from selling the property to a third party or putting a lien or other encumbrance on it that would conflict with the buyer's interest. Up until the buyer pays the last payment, the seller retains "legal title" to the property. The deed to the property will be filed with the relevant government agency, such as the county register of deeds, naming the buyer, once the final payment is received and all terms of the land contract are satisfied. We have more puzzle games in this video here.

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